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Assembling Development and Non-harbours:An Ethnography of a “Chinese” Infrastructure Project in Ghana (“组装”非港口与发展:中国基建项目在加纳)

创建时间:  2024-03-12  莫晓燕   浏览次数:   返回

2024年第7讲总第820讲(眼前的世界:学者的海外研究 第十五讲

题目:Assembling Development and Non-harbours:An Ethnography of a “Chinese” Infrastructure Project in Ghana (“组装”非港口与发展:中国基建项目在加纳)




主讲人Costanza Franceschini,PhD Candidate in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. Costanza has conducted ethnographic research on Chinese infrastructure development cooperation in Ghana, focusing on labour relations and employment dynamics at Chinese construction sites in Ghana, negotiating processes and agency in Sino-Ghanaian construction projects, and the impact of infrastructure development on local communities. Costanza is tutor and assistant to the chair of Cultural Anthropology M-Z (prof Manuela Tassan) at the Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences. Costanza is also an Adjunct Researcher at the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Ghana, Legon and one of the four founders of AISAC (Italian Association for Africa-China Studies), created in January 2023 as local network chapter of the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network (CA/AC Research Network), Michigan State University.

内容简介:Drawing on thirteen months of fieldwork research, the presentation illustrates the multiple actors, interests, dynamics, and (power) relations that shape contemporary Chinese construction projects in Ghana. In particular, it presents the case of the implementation of a Chinese-funded and -built infrastructure project between July 2019 and December 2022, which involved the construction of fishing harbours and landing sites in twelve local communities along the Ghanaian coast and discusses the questions of “Chineseness” and “dilution of Chineseness” of contemporary Chinese infrastructure development cooperation projects and their global assemblages.


报告人 Costanza Franceschini 报告时间(年月日) 2024年3月13日
报告时间(当日具体时间) 14:00-16:00 报告地点 社会学院316室/腾讯会议952-505-663



首页 - 学术报告 - 正文

Assembling Development and Non-harbours:An Ethnography of a “Chinese” Infrastructure Project in Ghana (“组装”非港口与发展:中国基建项目在加纳)

创建时间:  2024-03-12  莫晓燕   浏览次数:   返回

2024年第7讲总第820讲(眼前的世界:学者的海外研究 第十五讲

题目:Assembling Development and Non-harbours:An Ethnography of a “Chinese” Infrastructure Project in Ghana (“组装”非港口与发展:中国基建项目在加纳)




主讲人Costanza Franceschini,PhD Candidate in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. Costanza has conducted ethnographic research on Chinese infrastructure development cooperation in Ghana, focusing on labour relations and employment dynamics at Chinese construction sites in Ghana, negotiating processes and agency in Sino-Ghanaian construction projects, and the impact of infrastructure development on local communities. Costanza is tutor and assistant to the chair of Cultural Anthropology M-Z (prof Manuela Tassan) at the Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa”, University of Milano-Bicocca, Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Sciences. Costanza is also an Adjunct Researcher at the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Ghana, Legon and one of the four founders of AISAC (Italian Association for Africa-China Studies), created in January 2023 as local network chapter of the Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network (CA/AC Research Network), Michigan State University.

内容简介:Drawing on thirteen months of fieldwork research, the presentation illustrates the multiple actors, interests, dynamics, and (power) relations that shape contemporary Chinese construction projects in Ghana. In particular, it presents the case of the implementation of a Chinese-funded and -built infrastructure project between July 2019 and December 2022, which involved the construction of fishing harbours and landing sites in twelve local communities along the Ghanaian coast and discusses the questions of “Chineseness” and “dilution of Chineseness” of contemporary Chinese infrastructure development cooperation projects and their global assemblages.


报告人 Costanza Franceschini 报告时间(年月日) 2024年3月13日
报告时间(当日具体时间) 14:00-16:00 报告地点 社会学院316室/腾讯会议952-505-663

